All the coordinators listed below are also Foundation Course teachers or teachers-in-training. Teachers must also be active ISBT-Bowen Therapists.

Lisa oversees Australian and international coordination and, when her busy international schedule allows, she teaches occasional courses in Melbourne.
Head Office -
Head Office -

Frances, with over 20 years experience in complementary medicine, next to Lisa and Col, is the longest serving ISBT teacher. She has been working with ISBT-Bowen Therapy since 1999 and coordinates and teaches New South Wales and ACT courses.
Telephone: (03) 5759 2614 Mobile: 0427 688 528
Telephone: (03) 5759 2614 Mobile: 0427 688 528

Gary, a Remedial Masseur since 1998 and ISBT-Bowen Therapist since 2004 (and soon-to-be naturopath) is Coordinator and teacher of Melbourne courses.
Telephone: (03) 9509 0342 Mobile: 0430 994 343
Telephone: (03) 9509 0342 Mobile: 0430 994 343

A long-time accredited Yoga instructor, Jane is ISBT coordinator and teacher and can be contacted at:
Telephone: (03) 313 8661 or Mobile: 0212 238 838
Telephone: (03) 313 8661 or Mobile: 0212 238 838

Cheryl is a long-time sports and remedial massage therapist and ISBT-Bowen Therapist and is based in Maidstone. She is undergoing ISBT’s Teacher Training and is course coordinator.
Telephone: 07748 167001
Telephone: 07748 167001

Coordinator of courses and ISBT-Bowen Therapist, Irene has specialised in working with children with learning disabilities. She is currently teaching Modules 1-4.

A long-time naturopath based near Wiesbaden, Sabine first trained with ISBT in 2001 and has been teaching since 2004. She coordinates courses throughout Germany and Switzerland.

Having first trained with ISBT in 2001, Andrea has been teaching ISBT-Bowen Therapy since 2004. She coordinates ISBT courses through the ISBT Centre in Vienna.

Lisbon based Helena is a Pilates teacher and ISBT-Bowen Therapist and is in the final stages of her ISBT Teacher Training.

Based in Sao Paolo, Camila is a Personal Trainer, Pilates instructor and ISBT-Bowen Therapist, specialising in movement re-education, and is currently undertaking Teacher Training.