The Foundation Course consists of five modules of two days each. This format does away with the information and physical work overload of longer modules.
Full explanation of the work concepts adds to the students’ understanding of this remarkable therapy and helps develop a clear understanding of treatment strategies based on individual patient assessment.
Each module includes personalised revision components to enable students to have the best opportunity to grasp the work before further training.
All work is anatomically described in the extensive course manual and surface location points are also explained. The Learning Guide DVD also provides ongoing student support.
Full explanation of the work concepts adds to the students’ understanding of this remarkable therapy and helps develop a clear understanding of treatment strategies based on individual patient assessment.
Each module includes personalised revision components to enable students to have the best opportunity to grasp the work before further training.
All work is anatomically described in the extensive course manual and surface location points are also explained. The Learning Guide DVD also provides ongoing student support.

Module One: Sequences include full back and neck plus sacrum, hamstrings and shoulders.
Module Two: covers arms (including carpal tunnel), legs and feet, plus pelvic and coccyx work. A unique strapping strategy for ankle and foot problems is also included.
Module Three: presents many techniques designed for visceral complaints (including asthma, kidney and lymph) plus jaw, headache and anterior neck. Additional shoulder, chest and leg moves are also included. Group Case Study discussions are incorporated to develop greater understanding of the use of the work.
Module Four: Tom Bowen was renowned for his exceptional palpation and visual diagnostic skills.
This module seeks to further develop these skills with students to enable them to gain greater understanding of patient conditions so they may increase their treatment effectiveness. Additional arm, hand, shoulder, leg, foot and visceral work is also presented. A written assessment based on treatment strategies is also included.
Module Five: completes the Foundation Course training. This module has a strong tutorial aspect, including continued group ‘workshopping’ of case studies with fellow students in addition to a one-to-one case study session with instructors. Extensive full-course revision is also undertaken on the first day prior to the Competency Level Practical Assessment on day two.
Precise content of each module is detailed in the
ISBT-Bowen Therapy Training brochure download.
Module Two: covers arms (including carpal tunnel), legs and feet, plus pelvic and coccyx work. A unique strapping strategy for ankle and foot problems is also included.
Module Three: presents many techniques designed for visceral complaints (including asthma, kidney and lymph) plus jaw, headache and anterior neck. Additional shoulder, chest and leg moves are also included. Group Case Study discussions are incorporated to develop greater understanding of the use of the work.
Module Four: Tom Bowen was renowned for his exceptional palpation and visual diagnostic skills.
This module seeks to further develop these skills with students to enable them to gain greater understanding of patient conditions so they may increase their treatment effectiveness. Additional arm, hand, shoulder, leg, foot and visceral work is also presented. A written assessment based on treatment strategies is also included.
Module Five: completes the Foundation Course training. This module has a strong tutorial aspect, including continued group ‘workshopping’ of case studies with fellow students in addition to a one-to-one case study session with instructors. Extensive full-course revision is also undertaken on the first day prior to the Competency Level Practical Assessment on day two.
Precise content of each module is detailed in the
ISBT-Bowen Therapy Training brochure download.